Palm Kernels

From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
Revision as of 17:52, 16 March 2012 by DeBeer (talk | contribs) (Description)
Infobox on Palm Kernels
Example of Palm Kernels
Origin -
Stowage factor (in m3/t) -
Angle of repose -
Humidity / moisture -
Oil content -
Ventilation -
Risk factors -

Palm Kernels


Shipped in bags. Used for the extraction of oil and the manufacture of cattle feed.

According to the degree of freshness, this commodity loses a variable percentage of oil, which can be noted by the dark colour and greasy state of the sacks.

Stowage near boilers or in a damp hold is liable to provoke mould, usually a white film which can be brushed away. Palm kernels are much harder and more resistant to damage than groundnuts, and consequently damage is much less frequent and more difficult to detect. If wetted for any length of time, kernels will swell and soften. Signs of damage are similar to those in groundnuts; in particular a characteristic sour smell indicates damage. Free fatty acid does not tend to rise so quickly but accompanying oxidation tends to do more damage to the quality of the refined oil.

The greater the amount of water and the longer the time of soaking, the greater the damage. Palm kernels are liable to heat and sweat.

See also Oil Seeds.

Full information on this product is in the process of completion.