Petrol Coke

From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
Revision as of 21:57, 19 March 2012 by DeBeer (talk | contribs)
Infobox on Petrol Coke
Example of Petrol Coke
Origin -
Stowage factor (in m3/t) -
Humidity / moisture -
Ventilation -
Risk factors -

Petrol Coke


A by-product of petroleum distillation and thermal cracking used in the production of carbon electrodes. Usually shipped in bulk, but occasionally in paper sack.

Loss of volume may occur through attrition and dust formation during loading and discharge and it should not, with good facilities, exceed 0,5% at either end of the voyage. Contamination by the remains of other cargoes can cause depreciation.

Some sources of coke may have self-heating properties when carried in bulk; advice should be sought from the producer.

Reference is made to the relevant IMO regulations of hazardous cargo.

Full information on this product is in the process of completion.