Mercuric Sulphide

From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
Revision as of 09:35, 7 May 2012 by Bianca (talk | contribs)
Infobox on Mercuric Sulphide
Example of Mercuric Sulphide
Origin -
Density (in t/m3) -
Temperature (in oC) -
Humidity / moisture -
Ventilation -
Self-heating / spontaneous combustion -
Risk factors -

Mercuric Sulphide


A red or black powder, a form of mercury, usually packed in steel drums. Used as a pigment.

Highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin absorption. Cases have been known of spontaneous ignition of drums of this commodity through exposure to sun heat. Under-deck stowage in a cool hold is advisable and safe if the drums have not previously been subjected to heat.

Full information on this product is in the process of completion.