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Infobox on Horseradish
Example of Horseradish
Freshness facts
Optimum carrying temperature 0°C
Highest freezing point -
Acceptable product temp. at loading into containers Max. 2°C above carrying temperature
Optimum humidity 95% to 100%
Ventilation setting for containers 10 m³/hr
Storage life 8 to 12 months
Climacteric / non-climacteric Non-climacteric
Ethylene production Very low
Ethylene sensitivity Low
Modified / controlled atmosphere -
Potential benefits -
On demand


Harvesting and Handling

Horseradish is grown for its enlarged taproot, which is used as an appetizing condiment for meats and fish. The characteristic pungent aroma and taste comes from sulphur compounds.

Several criteria are used for quality evaluation of horseradish such as uniformity of shape and size, firmness, smoothness, freedom from hollow heart, internal colour of the roots, other defects and decay. Long and uniform roots with white colour of fleshy rhizomes and pungent flavour are the most important quality criteria.

Cooling and Storage

Horseradish are very sensitive to wilting. Immediately after harvest, roots should be pre-cooled. Roots can be stored for 8 to 12 months at 0°C with 98% to 100% RH. Pungency is rapidly lost at higher temperatures, and roots dry out at lower RH. Perforated polyethylene bags and lined crates or bins can maintain a high RH during storage.

Horseradish roots are not chilling sensitive and can survive -7°C to -8°C. Controlled atmosphere considerations: there is no or only a slight benefit from CA.

Storage disorders

Verticillium dahliae rot.