Hanging Garments

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Infobox on Hanging Garments
Example of Hanging Garments
Hanging garments, Google, images.jpg
Origin -
Stowage factor (in m3/t) -
Humidity / moisture -
Ventilation -
Risk factors -

Hanging Garments


Transported on specially constructed rails in specialized road vehicles or freight containers. With allegations of shortages from trailers/containers it is advisable when carrying out initial survey to identify, not only the number of garments missing, but also the size of each garment where possible.

Where garments have been loaded by size, and those missing contain garments of a size loaded in the centre, and away from doors, openings, etc., then shortage would indicate the possibility of incorrect allocation prior to shipment.

Damage may occur by collapse of hanging rails or by contamination with rust, dirt, etc., which may have adhered to the hanging rails themselves. In addition, external damage to the polythene covers can occur caused by contact with grease, oil etc., resultant from brushing against machinery or container door hinges at the time of loading is carried out, i.e. from the original storage location through to the placement within the container. During movement the friction of the hangers causes the rust, dirt, etc., to flake away and drop on to the unprotected collars of the garments.

Damage is more prevalent with light-coloured garments. Attempts to individually protect each garment by polythene cover is not completely successful in that the constant movement of the garments against each other causes the polythene bag, where opened around the extended hanger section, to tear and leave the collar and shoulder area exposed. Pre-shipment surveys of hanging/container units should involve close scrutiny and examination of the hanging rails.