Aluminium Silicate

From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
Revision as of 21:51, 22 March 2012 by DeBeer (talk | contribs)
Infobox on Aluminium Silicate
Example of Aluminium Silicate
Origin -
Stowage factor (in m3/t) -
Humidity / moisture -
Ventilation -
Risk factors -

Aluminium Silicate


Porcelain clay, Cornish clay, Kaolin, Argilla, White Bole, Pipe clay, Porcelain earth, Catalpa. The purest form of clay (a silicate of aluminum, used in the manufacture of china, distemper work, and other purposes.

Dry, fine China Clay activated by Sulphuric Acid. May absorb water up to many times its own volume and is used in the petrochemical industry.

Shipped in multiple paper bags. To be handled carefully and to be kept absolutely dry.

Reference is made to the relevant IMO publications of hazardous cargo.

Full information on this product is in the process of completion.