Aluminium Powder

From Cargo Handbook - the world's largest cargo transport guidelines website
Revision as of 16:00, 19 March 2012 by DeBeer (talk | contribs) (Description)
Infobox on Aluminium Powder
Example of Aluminium Powder
Origin -
Stowage factor (in m3/t) -
Humidity / moisture -
Ventilation -
Risk factors -

Aluminium Powder


Grey odourless powder. (coated, pyrophoric, uncoated).

Combustible, with many of its reactions liable to cause fire and explosion. Uncoated aluminum powder may emit flammable gas when wet.

Aluminium powder is shipped in the form of ingots, mostly bundled by strapping iron. It must be well covered with plastic foils to prevent contamination from other cargo. Scratching and notching on aluminum should be avoided. Also shipped in the form of powder or dust.

Reference is made to the relevant IMO publications of hazardous cargo.

Full information on this product is in the process of completion.