Infobox on Limes | |
Example of Limes | ![]() |
Freshness facts | |
Optimum carrying temperature | 8°C to 9°C |
Highest freezing point | -1,6°C |
Acceptable product temp. at loading into containers | Max. 2°C above carrying temperature |
Optimum humidity | 90% |
Ventilation setting for containers | 25 m³/hr |
Storage life | 1-2 months |
Climacteric / non-climacteric | Non-climacteric |
Ethylene production | Very Low |
Ethylene sensitivity | Moderate |
Modified / controlled atmosphere | 0%-10% CO2; 5%-10% O2 |
Potential benefits | CA storage can retard senescence, but commercial use is very limited |
Availability | |
South America (Brazil) South Africa |
January - June On demand |
Harvesting and handling
High quality limes should be oval, firm, with smooth peel and deep green (Persian/Tahiti varieties)) or green and/or yellow (Key lime/Mexican varieties) colour. Most consumers prefer green limes but in some countries yellow limes are preferred because of their greater juice content. Limes should be turgid, and free from decay, splitting and blemishes. Careful handling to minimize mechanical damage can help to reduce (blue and green) mold growth. Proper sanitation of packingline equipment and use of postharvest fungicides aid in reduction of postharvest diseases. The cargo must be protected from extraneous moisture, as there is otherwise a risk of premature spoilage.
Cooling and storage
Trade literature generally recommends storage temperatures of approx. +9°/10°C, at which lime fruit stores satisfactorily for approx. 6 to 8 weeks. However, some loss of green colour becomes apparent after approx. 4 weeks of storage. After 8 weeks of storage, the rind colour is often yellow-green. Green colour is retained better at approx. +4°C, but limes are subject to chilling injury at temperatures of approx. +7°C and below.
The fruit should be cooled immediately postharvest, as limes, like other citrus fruit, are susceptible to mould. Limes are living organs in which respiration processes predominate, because their supply of new nutrients has been cut off by separation from the parent plant.
Care of the cargo during the voyage must be aimed at controlling respiration processes (release of CO2, water vapour, ethylene and heat) in such a way that the cargo is at the desired stage of ripeness on reaching its destination. Inadequate ventilation may result in fermentation and rotting of the cargo as a result of increased CO2 levels and inadequate supply of atmospheric oxygen.
Exposing limes to temperatures below the optimum storage temperature can result in chilling injury. Chilling injury is characterized by peel pitting and brown discoloration. Pits disorders may coalesce and form leathery, brown, sunken areas on the rind. Severity increases with temperatures below 8°-10°C and longer durations of exposure to these temperatures.
Mixed loads
Limes should not be mixed with ethylene-producing commodities. Lemons absorb odours from strongly scented vegetables and so should not be mixed with such commodities.
O2 below 5% can cause scald-like injury and decreased juice content. CO2 greater than 10% may cause increased susceptibility to decay.
Storage disorders
Alternaria rot, Anthracnose, Aspergillus rot, Black mould rot, Black pit, Black spot, Blue mould, Brown rot, Canker, Chilling injury, Cottonry rot, Degreening, Fusarium, Green mould rot, Grey mould rot, Insect damage, Melanose, Rind discoloration, Scab, Scald, Senescent breakdown, Sooty blotch, Sooty mould, Stem end rot.